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DDI +55 11 2679-5519

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When browsing this site, some personal data may be processed. We are committed to the security of your personal data, and in this document, we will help you, the user, understand our data protection practices, describing what information is collected, how it is used, and shared. Whenever you provide personal information, we will treat this information in accordance with this Policy. We always strive to keep your data accurate and secure.


We collect some information when the user, the data subject, accesses our site or uses the forms on the site's sections. This information is important to maintain an open communication channel, with agile and precise responses to the user.

The collection will be direct when the user himself uses the means below: We keep your data as long as necessary to provide our services, send proposals, offers, or newsletters promoting our partnerships. If we are unsuccessful in sending an email, your data remains stored on database servers with firewall protection systems until the purpose for which it was collected is achieved. Indirect data collection occurs automatically through navigation cookies, third-party tools such as Google Analytics and similar, or third-party plugins that operate from the user's own browser.

Cookies are treated in a separate topic in our Policy, and we inform you that the user has the right to restrict cookie access or browse anonymously by configuring their browser independently. However, we do not rule out that this option may cause some inconsistency in the site's functionalities, leading to unsatisfactory navigation.

Generally, plugins are attached to the site or blog developed using WordPress technology. It is not possible for us to identify the user, the data subject, due to the very characteristics of internet privacy protection. Automatic data collection occurs through an anonymous user code, access IP, type of device used for navigation, date and time of navigation, country of origin, and other general information to process them in site analysis reports.

Additionally, search engines (e.g., Google) and social networks (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, or similar) may provide plugin-style tools that connect to the website to generate information through cookies and display related advertisements. The fact that the user is impacted by advertisements related to the same products or services does not mean identification.


Personal data, as defined by legislation, processed due to direct provision by the user, the data subject, allows for agile and effective communication with us, always seeking the best service in the shortest possible time and improving the experience and enjoyment of the various services offered by our company.


We use the information collected for specific purposes, including providing services, speeding up communication, and promoting events and partnerships made by our company, and sending newsletters and email marketing to registered users, due to the consented provision of data.

We do not process data related to crimes, criminal organizations, or terrorists. Personal data submitted by minors under 18 years old are also not processed without the guardian's consent. Such data that may reach our base will be immediately deleted.


Except for cookies, whose specific information you can find in a separate topic, we do not share your data with third parties, except for our information storage partners (server owners) or in case of legal/judicial obligation. Any change in this pattern will always be transparent and for specific purposes and previously communicated to you.

However, for sending newsletters or commercial contact, previously mentioned activities, we may insert collected data into distribution tools (e.g., Dinamize, SharpSpring, or similar) that we may adopt for the same purpose.

Additionally, the site's hosting and tools occur in data centers outside Brazil, with worldwide service providers of this type of service.

Remember that when you use a link to go from our site to another site or request a third-party service, our Policy no longer applies. Your browsing and interaction on any other website or your dealings with any other third-party service provider are subject to the respective third-party service provider's or site's rules and policies. We do not monitor, control, or endorse the collection of information or privacy practices of third parties. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy practices of all sites you visit or third-party service providers you deal with and to contact them if you have any questions about their respective policies and practices. This Policy applies solely to the data collected by us through our site or services and does not apply to these third-party sites and third-party service providers.


You can always request confirmation of the processing of your data, correction or removal/elimination of your data and personal information, report any misuse, or exercise any right provided for in Law No. 13.709/2018 (General Data Protection Law) by contacting +55 (48) 3364-6777. The response time is up to 2 (two) business days.

In case of legal, regulatory obligations, protection of potential future legal actions, or for maintaining and continuing the services offered, your personal data will not be deleted, and processing will be maintained according to these legal bases and for the purposes informed in this Privacy Policy and other complementary documents.

The user agrees that the collection, storage, use, and sharing of personal data were carried out in perfect consonance with the legal bases provided for in Articles 7 and 11 of Law No. 13.709/2018, having given informed, free, unequivocal, and specific consent for the data that may be processed, and that the principles of purpose, adequacy, necessity, free access, quality, transparency, security, prevention, and non-discrimination (Art. 6, Law No. 13.709/2018) were observed.


We are always concerned with the security of our customers and the users of our site. Our information is stored on servers of companies equally concerned with security, with redundancy and cloud storage, and feature high technology and information protection.

Only authorized persons have access to personal data processed by us, always ensuring the privacy of the data subjects.

All available technology will never be enough to prevent 100% of attacks or unauthorized access. In the unlikely event of a data leak or privacy violation of the data subjects, we will inform in a reasonable time what data was affected and all measures taken by us to repair possible damages.


Our site uses cookies(*) ranging from PHP to those provided by Google Analytics to track interactions with visitors, potentially storing information such as the time of the current visit, whether the visitor has been to the site before, or if there was any referral to access our site.

*Cookie: a file placed on your computer to track movements within the site, such as visits to pages and advertisements. Cookies do not store personal information unless you have provided it and do not collect information recorded on your computer.

Browsers do not share their cookies across domains.

We also use the Google Analytics tool to evaluate the audience of our site and constantly improve the content offered to our users and customers. This tool has its own Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Additionally, we use by default PHP cookies, created as a unique session identifier for the user, used to identify if a user returns to our site and/or by which means they were directed to our site.

We do not rule out the creation of cookies indirectly due to third-party services provided through our site, to automatically collect general navigation information, to improve and add value to the user experience on our site.

You can opt-out of cookies at any time by disabling the respective function in your browser, aware that doing so, the services provided to the user may not present all their functionalities.


We may, at any time and periodically if necessary, change this privacy policy to meet legislative changes, regulatory requirements, or operational needs. If the change is significant, both versions (old and updated) will be available on the site for comparison.